We Are Better Together!

Learn More About CFM!

CFM-USA is a vibrant ministry that brings families together and provides a place where you will experience... 

- Opportunities to grow in your faith and live it actively.

- Lasting friendships with people who share your values.

- Increased communication with your spouse and family.

- Opportunities for worship, fun and service as a family.

We all need support to live the life we are called to. Here you will share and learn from people walking a path like yours. You will discover the love and support of friends who will journey with you through struggles and joys. You will build lifelong friendships with families who are striving after the same goal: following Jesus and being his hands, feet, and heart in the world. Here you will be formed and transformed.

Groups are encouraged to gather twice monthly, once as adults for the meeting and the second time as families for worship, fun or service.
These gatherings might be formally scheduled or more spontaneous.

Annual dues for new members are $10/family, $40/renewing families.

Want to Start a CFM Group? Contact Us  

CFM Members Tell Their Stories

- Families share how CFM enriches their family life and helps them put their faith into practice. 

Watch more! 

Benefits of Becoming a Member of a CFM Group include...

- Belonging! You and each member of your group are a welcome and valuable addition to the CFM family, a community of families dedicated to promoting Christian values within the family and in society - locally, nationally, and internationally! Together we make a difference!

- Materials! CFM social inquiry meetings and program books, print or digital, are free with membership.

- Support! Real people in the national office and within the movement answer your questions.

- Connections! Stay connected with what groups across the country are doing through the monthly e-newsletter and our social media platforms.

Ideas! Tips for family prayer, adult faith formation, and marriage and family enrichment.

CFM Members in Action

CFM members pray, work, and play together. Since its earliest days, CFM has had as its goal the development of couples, families and others in their personal relationships through prayer, friendship, and action to serve others. This goal remains the same today. We are called not only to Observe and Judge, but to Act.

The best actions come out of your action group experience and allow members to act individually, or as couples, families, or groups, to improve the quality of family or community life.

Try a CFM Meeting

Experience the Observe, Judge, Act Method
- Invite parishioners, friends and neighbors at a trial CFM meeting.
- Free sample topics and easy directions for holding a CFM meeting are provided.

Contact CFM National Office for resources and assistance getting started in CFM. We are here to help!

Pastors and pastoral leaders: See this page for details about how CFM can benefit your parish.



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